
New Clients

Step 1: Create Account in online portal

Step 2: Review Customer Service Agreement, Add Pet & Payment Info, Install Time to Pet App

Step 3: Wait for confirmation

For general questions: submit form, send an email to, or call/text 619-736-4095.

Repeat Clients

Step 1: Login to Account - Go to Scheduling - Request New Service - Submit

Step 2: Wait for confirmation

Confirm our availability before booking appointment at the Vet or Groomer.

If your pet is experiencing a medical emergency it is best to take them to an animal hospital for professional assistance.

Download the American Red Cross Pet First Aid app, click on the icon.

Cancellation & Waiting Policy

Should you need to cancel or reschedule your ride, please do so within 24 hours. Otherwise, there will be a $10 fee. The driver will wait up to 10 minutes before the ride is canceled.