
  • Pup Ride

    Starting at $15 One Way, $30 Round Trip

    Price depends on location and timeframe.

    Additional fees for waiting at appointments.

    Holiday Rates listed in Policy area

  • Airport Transit for Dogs

    Airport Ride

    $50 One Way to San Diego Airport

    $90 Round Trip to San Diego Airport

    Trip to LA starting at $300

    Confirm crate size before booking

  • Pup Adventure

    Pup Adventure

    $45 Round Trip (90 mins)

    Hike, trails, dog beach, Starbucks

  • Pup Walk or Boarding

    $20 for a 15 min Walk

    $50 a night for Boarding

    Transit not included in pricing

    Holiday Rates listed in Policy area

  • Meet and Greet

    Meet & Greet

    A complimentary service for new clients to ensure the dog and driver are comfortable with each other. An opportunity to learn more about the dog and their needs.

Ride Includes

Complimentary Meet & Greet, safety belt hookup, water, sanitation wipes

Owner supplies harness, leash, treats, blankets, toys